Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Hunt Continues

Easter may be over but the egg hiding still goes on at Gramma’s house! Kids love to hide eggs and find them. Every year after Easter for weeks, we continue to hide eggs, the plastic ones of course. Usually I am the one to hide them and the kids find them. Doll strollers work great for hunting down those eggs too.

Most Easter egg hunts these days consist of eggs being thrown out on a lawn and then the kids make a dash for it gathering all they can collect. And they are full of candy and stuff. In my day eggs, real eggs, were hidden and a hunt for them took some time. We learned about patience and sticking with a task for the pay off of only the found egg. Often clues and directions were given by saying “Your getting warmer, your burning hot!” when we were close to an egg,  or “Your cooling off, nope your way cold now”  when you went in the wrong direction.

One good thing about being a grandparent is the patience to hide those eggs over and over and over……your grand kids will love you for it! Mine do, and they love when I tell them, “Your getting warmer!”

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  1. We always did the "warmer, warmer, warmer, HOT, HOT, HOT!!!" too, when our girls were little. Haven't yet done an egg hunt with my grandsons since I never see them around Easter. I like this: "We learned about patience and sticking with a task for the pay off of only the found egg." Yep, that's what it should be about.

    Enjoy your continued egg hunts and hidings.

  2. We used to have extended egg hunts, too, but haven't done it recently. It may be time to revive it, or start a new tradition.


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