Monday, April 8, 2013

Mason Jar Monday Gifts

Isn't this just the sweetest, cutest, prettiest thing you ever saw?! I have stopped by What Happens At Grandmas several times to have a look at them. Joyce made these for her grand daughters and I am absolutely in love! I'm trying to figure out how I can get adopted by one of her kids so I can qualify for one of these jars! I'm not going to tell you why she made them or from what - yes it is something special - because you should stop over to read for yourself. You made need a tissue like I did for the tear or two that I cried. I am sentimental like that! 

This is another Mason Jar Monday gift that Joyce made for our friend Grandma Kc over at AmaraLand. Joyce is one talented lady! To learn more about our fun virtual Mason Jar Monday gifts, you can check out this link here at the Pantry. We would love to have you join in the fun!

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  1. Oh, Connie. How sweet this all is, bringing a tear to MY eye now for how beautifully you expressed everything. Thank you!
    I love your Pantry and enjoy visiting to see all the entries. Until you alerted me, I had no idea about how charmed people are by Mason jars. Seriously, I might have even thrown mine away if it wasn't for you!

  2. She really is one talented lady but then so are you! AND I think we are all related -- soul sisters, right?


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