Monday, July 29, 2013

FH&L Blog Buttons, Please Read!

I have new blog buttons as of July 29, 2013. Blogger has made some changes again and some of my old buttons no longer work. Also, no follow buttons are now necessary too. These new Buttons are "no follow".  Please get new ones to replace my old buttons. Thanks! For an explanation of why no follow buttons are now necessary and how to change your blog buttons,  see this post. 

Family Home and Life

Family Home and Life

Family Home and Life

Family Home and Life

Family Home and Life

My buttons were created using Grab My Button Code generator.
I added the rel="nofollow" to the generated code.

If you are reading this post anywhere else but at then it was used without permission! Please report it! Copyright © Family Home and Life 2010-2013 All Rights Reserved


  1. Thanks for the heads up! I hadn't seen that article.
    ~ Megin of VMG206

  2. I am reading the post right now! This is the second time in a couple of days that I heard we need to do this. Now I can find out WHY!

  3. I don't see the words "no follow" in the code, is it okay to post the linkup button above?

    1. You are rite, there is not "no follow" in the code. Hmmm........I totally can not remember how I meant to make those and about the no follow thing now. Oh shoot! I will have to go back an research it again! So to answer your question; I have no idea now (yes it is a senior thing!) if they are no follow or not. I do remember the head aches I got trying to figure it out and make these right before so since my post says they are no follow I think I made them that way.


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